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Jan Tománek - Opinions Aktuálně.cz<

A mask at school...

Jan Tománek 08. 12. 2020 | 10:22 Read 10627 timesTweet Share So what had to come came... Fortunately, my wife, also a teacher (at the gymnasium), handled it brilliantly... Be careful, but our children are not some school "non-wearers" - the remark came after a foreign teacher peeked into the class twice during the break and our boy didn't have his mask on. Normally, he wears a mask during lessons and tries not to provoke. Our children (11 and 14) of course know what I do (Zdravé Fórum) and since spring we have been talking to them about everything and explaining it to them. When they were supposed to go to school now, we told them right away that they don't have to wear masks, but it's up to them. If they don't wear them, others will point at them, or mock them, and they may be bullied by teachers. But it's up to them. So they decided to wear them instead... By the way, the employer can order a mask for a teacher, but not for a child! In the same way, a face mask CANNOT condition entrance to school. Only YOU, not the school, are responsible for your child's health, so it's ONLY ON YOU. The teacher can only give the child a decent WARNING and that's all. The school can then only call the Police of the Czech Republic - which is extreme. But even so, the Police postpones the offense because a child under 15 is not responsible for offences. Great legal analysis with instructions here: https://llp.cz/blog/co-delat-kdyz-rodice-nesouhlasi-s-navratem-ditete- until-school-or-se-vzdelavanim-v-rousce/But I come back to what I wrote a few days ago. It's crazy where society has come. They force children to wear wet, non-functioning rags all day - and at the same time, everything is based on impressions only, without any relevant evidence (either the masks themselves or the transmission of disease between children at school). And if you don't obey, you expose the child to potential bullying, ostracism and, in extreme cases, the intervention of the Czech Police... We live in crazy times, but half of the people obviously don't mind and are happy! It's up to us - the adults - to speak up and stand up to it to resist! Tweet Share

Jan Tománek - Názory Aktuálně.cz