• 26/02/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Vojtěch introduced a new boss of communication - a list of messages<


Daniel Köppl, a former journalist who was a long -time companion Jaromír Soukup, became the directorOf the MinistryOf Health..The current DirectorOf the Communication Department and spokesperson Gabriela Štepanyová moved to the locationOf the headOf the Minister's cabinet.

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However, the "spokesperson" marks Köppl defends."Something else comes to this position," he announced without nameing someone specific.

Who speaks for the Ministry of Health

Gabriela Štěpanyová was a spokeswoman for Minister Adam Vojtěch in the first period.In the autumnOf 2020, Vojtěch wasreplaced by Roman Prymula, but he did not manage to select areplacement.This position was temporarily held by Jan Brodský, DirectorOf the Communication Department.After therapid substitutionOf Prymula Jan Blatný, he won the selection procedure for the positionOf director Evžen Staněk, who decided not to accept theOffice.Barbora spokeswoman Peterová, who wasreplaced by Jana Schillerová with the adventOf Petr Arenberger.After Vojtěch'sreturn to the headOf theresort, the spokesperson again became Gabriela Štěpanyová.Daniel Köppl now alternates as the directorOf the Department.In his words, however.

Köppl has been at the MinistryOf Health for about a year, participated in a smart quarantine and also helped former Minister Petr Arenberger to solve the case concerning his property conditions.

Membership in RRTV does not mind, says

But the positionOf a communication boss is not theOnly function he hasrecently gained.At the endOf July, MEPs were elected by a memberOf the Radio and Television Council (RRTV).Council members may not hold functions in political partiesOr movements and perform in their favor.According to Köppl, however.

Vojtěch představil nového šéfa komunikace - Seznam Zprávy

"It will not happen.I do not work for any political party.I am the directorOf the DepartmentOf the MinistryOf Health.This is an institution, it has nothing to do with it.I could not be a spokespersonOf the political party YESOr PiratesOr the ODSOr the CSSD,Or I must not work for them, ”says the new headOf the communicationOf Minister Adam Vojtěch (for YES).

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29. 7. 2021 16:48

Whether the parallelOf functions isreallyright was the listOf the message to the chairmanOf RRTV Václav Mencl.Theoretically, the Council can deal with, for example.Köppl's impartiality could be questioned at that moment.But Menclrefused to commentOn.

"I haven't had theOpportunity to meet him yet.I will see you with him, I suppose,On Wednesday.Please do not want me any information.I do not have any message from himOr from the ministry, so I cannot commentOn it, ”Mencl told the listOf Menclreport.

Köppl začínal ve výzkumné agentuře Opinion Window/Research International, vedl časopis Strategie, založil a byl šéfredaktorem webu Marketing & Media, pracoval pro vydavatelství Economia.Until last August he was the CEOOf Empresa Media Jaromír Soukup for seven years, and at the same time he workedOn the public presentationOf his company Médea.

As Soukup's narrow collaborator Köppl in the media defended television Barrandov, which hasrepeatedlyreached the viewfinderOf RRTV for biased and unbalance.For example, Soukup hasrepeatedly invited Milos Zeman to the week with the President, where he asked him servile and uncritical questions.

I am no longer a journalist

After leaving Soukup, the Köppl state began to help with a smart quarantine during Covid and this year became a candidateOf the YES movement to RRTV.However, ANO deputy Martin Kolovratník himself pointedOut to Köppl's potential conflictOf interest due to his continued engagement in the media.

"At Daniel Köppl's the fact that he was 22 at the endOf last year.December appointed by Mr. Josef Středlou, chairmanOf the Czech -Moravian ConfederationOf Trade Unions, Managing DirectorOf the Sunda, with with.r.O.This company publishes printed magazine, paper weekly probe. A § 7Odst. 12 zákona říká, že členovérady nesmí zastávat funkce, a to placené ani neplacené, v jakýchkolivOrgánech společností, které podnikají vOblasti hromadných sdělovacích prostředků,“ řekl ve Sněmovně Kolovratník.

Členové Rady podle zákona nesmějí zastávat žádné funkce v jakýchkolivOrgánech společností, které podnikají vOblasti hromadných sdělovacích prostředků, audiovize areklamy. Daniel Köppl na dotazredakce Seznam Zprávy uvedl, že nemá s firmou SONDY nic společného.

"That's canceled, I'm not there anymore.I have never been there formally, it was more of a fake news that was somewhere. Formálně jsem jednatelem nikdy nebyl, vrejstříku ani není nic takového zapsané,“ řekl Köppl s tím, že ve společnosti SONDY nemá žádnou funkci.

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1. 8. 2021 14:49

VObchodnímrejstříku je jako jednatelka uvedena šéfredaktorka časopisu Sondy Jana Kašparová. Pod účetní uzávěrkou zarok 2020, kterou společnost představila na konci letošního května, je už ale jako jednatel podepsaný Daniel Köppl.The probe magazine website lists Köppl as editor -in -chief.

“Im after the election to the Council I am this function (Managing Director, Note.red.)Opustil,“ doplnil po upozornění na listiny vObchodnímrejstříku pro Seznam Zprávy Köppl.