• 07/02/2023
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Late fetus of wisdom and education simple convulsiveness.This is the new book by Julian Barnes<


Doctor Samuel Pozzi in John Singer Sargent's famous portrait | photo: Profimedia

Premium There is still a search for the great novel and it is still being emphasized that non-fiction has the upper hand today. In Men in Red Coats, British novelist Julian Barnes comes up with non-fiction that reads like the best novel. The story of a famous gynecologist who underwent a fatal operation on one man's private parts. 28. October 2021 5:00 a.m. Unlock the article

Julian Barnes is one of the British writers who have established themselves more permanently in the Czech environment. The not-so-young novelist publishes more and more titles here, in which he mostly proves that he is an author who knows more than sees. That he is a calmly cultured, educated and rational creator, not a wild, unrestrained rioter.

And also that he is the biggest Francophile among British writers. It is no coincidence that his most famous work is Flaubert's Parrot (1984). His next book, Man in a Red Coat (2019), has now been published in a Czech translation, which confirms that Julian Barnes (1946) is a calmly cultivated, educated and rational creator and that he is an incorrigible Francophile. So nothing new.

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