• 03/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

The state offers young housing loans.You will not find such a rate in the bank<

Banks now offer mortgages with relatively high interest.If you plan to make a loan for housing, try to ask the state.If you go through a network of conditions, they will lend you much cheaper now.In addition, the rules are more friendly since this year.

Lend yourself cheaper than in the bank

The state provides housing loans for young people from the Program of Housing, in which 700 miles should be available for these loans this year.CZK.K 25.January 2022 is just over 470 miles in the free program program.CZK.Data is updated daily in the table on the State Investment Support Fund from which the State finance.

The conditions of the program have changed with the amendment to the Government Order at the end of November 2021.

In addition to being able to reach a lower interest rate than in a bank, the gradual release of the breakneck conditions under which resources can be drawn can also increase the attractiveness of this loan.

Money from this loan can be used to acquire or modernize dwellings.The funds may apply for those who live in marriage or registered partnership if at least one of them is not yet on the date of application for a loan of 40 years.Furthermore, a person under 40 years of age who cares for a child under 15 years of age can also be achieved.

You can only apply for a loan if you have not yet drawn such a loan from the state and at the same time you are not the owner or co -owner of the dwelling (this condition does not apply to the loan for modernization) or the tenant of the cooperative apartment (as well as your husband or registered partner).However, ownership of a cottage or house without a descriptive number is not an obstacle.For a loan for the construction or acquisition of housing, it is necessary to arrange a natural insurance for the property.

Loan now offers a rate of 2.49 % per year with fixation for 5 years.The interest is then recalculated according to the basic rate of the European Union for the Czech Republic.The one - for the sake of interest - was still 0.44 % per year last January.The fund always informs about the change in this rate on its website.

The interest is reduced by 0.2 % for each child under 15 years of age, which the applicant cares for permanently and which he lives with him permanently.At the same time, there is a restriction that the rate must not be less than 1 % per year.

You can use the loan on:

Currently, these loans are provided with a maximum maturity of 10 years in modernization and with a maturity of 30 years at the acquisition of dwelling.

Na modernizaci obydlí je možné čerpat částku od 50 do 750 tisícCZK. Na pořízení rodinného domu nyní stát nabízí maximálně úvěr 3 500 000CZK.In the case of construction, however, up to 90 % of construction costs, in case of purchase up to 90 % agreed or usual price, incl..the price of land.

Stát mladým nabízí levné úvěry na bydlení. Takovou sazbu v bance nenajdete

You can now take a loan of up to 3 miles to acquire an apartment or cooperative share from the state.CZK s tím, že maximálně může jít o 90 % ceny sjednané nebo obvyklé.

Do you want to take a loan?Our credit calculator will calculate how much you will repay.

Drawing and request

You can send or submit or submit it to the SFPI (Prague and Olomouc) or send it electronically via data box (Wikaiz5).You must be clear about the property at the time of the loan application, as you attach a property between the documents.For construction you have to attach project documentation again.

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The deadline for processing a complete application for a loan for the acquisition of real estate and sending a contract is within 60 days, for the processing of loans for modernization within 30 days.

For modernization you can draw a loan once or gradually.Either way, drawing must be terminated within 1 year of the conclusion of a loan provision.

One -time or gradual drawing is also possible for the construction of a house with the fact that you must start drawing within 1 year and terminate no later than 3 years from the conclusion of the contract.The construction of a house must be completed within 3 years.However, you may request the fund to extend this period during the loan repayment.

Real estate loan can only be drawn once, and you must start drawing no later than 1 year after the contract.Until this time you must submit the Fund to documents proving effective invention of resources.


If a loan is for modernization or for the acquisition of dwellings up to 750 thousand.CZK, zajišťuje se ručitelským prohlášením. Ručitel musí být ve věku do 55 let, s průměrným měsíčním příjmem nad 15 000CZK za poslední tři měsíce.It can also be guaranteed by real estate if the fund is first in order and with a vinkling of insurance indemnity from the natural insurance of the property (incl..floods and floods) in favor of the fund.

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When acquiring a property with a loan over 750 thousand.CZK se zajišťuje zástavním právem v prvním pořadí ve prospěch fondu a vinkulací z pojistného plnění ze živelního pojištění nemovitosti (vč.floods and floods), or a lien in the second order in favor of the fund, guarantor statement and vineyard from insurance indemnity from natural property insurance.

In a cooperative stake in a housing cooperative with the right of lease of a cooperative apartment with a loan over 750 thousand.CZK řeší zajištění individuálně.


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To have a chance to approve a loan, you must of course prove your income.If you live in a marriage or registered partnership, your dear half must be proven.Employees illustrate confirmation of income, self -employed tax return.Maternity benefits and parental allowance are also considered to be income for the purposes of the application.

Free of charge and with subsidy

The program applies without exception to the whole territory of the Czech Republic.There is no fee for extraordinary installments and early repayment of the loan.If necessary, the fund offers free professional assistance and consultations.

Budete-li čerpat půjčku na pořízení nemovitosti, získáte od státu při narození nebo osvojení dítěte dotaci 30 000CZK.

Interruption and delay of repayment

If you need, you may ask the fund to postpone repayment of principal by up to 6 months.For the first six months you will only repay interest and not the principal.Maturity does not change in this case.

If you expand your family with a new member during repayment, the Fund will allow you to interrupt your principal repayment up to two years at your request.In addition to the birth of a child, such an interruption is also possible in acquisition, guardianship, custody of the child or fostering.

You can also request an interruption of repayment for up to two years when losing employment or illness if one or the other lasts more than 3 months, and further in the death of a household member.

Interfere with repayments can be several times if you are in one of the above -mentioned situations.However, the total interruption period must not exceed 2 years.In all of these cases, the maturity time will be extended by the time of interruption of repayment.Maximum but so that the total maturity of the overdue time.The extension did not exceed the loan for modernization for 12 years and for loans for the acquisition of housing 35 years.

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Kdo dosáhne na státní půjčku na bydlení pro mladé?Žádat mohou lidé žijící v manželství nebo registrovaném partnerství, pokud alespoň jednomu z nich není 40 let nebo osoby do 40 let, které trvale pečují o dítě do 15 let.Kolik si mohu půjčit a na jak dlouho?Na modernizaci obydlí můžete získat částku od 50 do 750 tisícCZK při splatnosti do 10 let.Na pořízení rodinného domu maximálně 3 500 000CZK s tím, že půjde nejvýše o 90 % nákladů na výstavbu či koupi (i s pozemkem). Na pořízení bytu nebo družstevního podílu stát poskytne půjčku do 3 mil.CZK. Opět může jít nejvýš o 90 % ceny sjednané nebo obvyklé. Tyto úvěry stát poskytne se splatností do 30 let.