• 02/02/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Psychiatrist: People with schizophrenia are capable of normal life, the case stigmatizes them<

What do you say how the public learns about the health of the Prime Minister's son? I think the mediaization of this case is quite unfortunate.This is a typical example of stigmatizing patients with schizophrenia practically live.The opposite of what we have been trying to do as a professional psychiatric society for years, that is, to take these patients with understanding and not to pigeonhole them to some "fools".It is a pity that the public must learn about this harrowing illness just in such a context.

What does a person experience with schizophrenia?What do you have to suffer? Hallucinations are very common, for example, patients hear voices in a room where they are alone.Voices tell them something, comment on their behavior.Outwardly it looks like a person talking to someone who is not in the room.Sometimes it happens that the patient commit suicide under the pressure of these voices because it can no longer withstand.Patients with this disease also tend to have different beliefs.


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In the past centuries, people with schizophrenia have delusions with religious focus, today they show more delusions related to modern technologies.Man is convinced that other persons are observed, that the tracking device and the like are deployed.In our country, for example, some patients believe in watching television that there are hidden instructions in the news to follow.

May such a patient have bright moments when he behaves quite normal, manifests reasonably, perceives the surroundings as it is? Of course? Of course.One of the most widespread myths about this disease is precisely that people with schizophrenia are permanently completely detached from reality that they cannot be spoken normally.In fact, many patients return to work and family after treatment after treatment.

So we can say that in many patients with schizophrenia, their surroundings normally do not reveal?.If they undergo successful treatment, then not.Several people who are publicly acquainted with the care of psychiatrists have passed here and are not known to suffer from this disease.

Psychiatr: Lidé se schizofrenií jsou schopní normálního života, kauza je stigmatizuje

How many percent of patients with schizophrenia can live that normally?.About thirty percent of people who had the only episode of schizophrenia get to normal after casting and have no other manifestations of illness.Then a group of another thirty percent of people who return symptoms at certain intervals.The period of peace, when a person lives in an organized life and handles his job, alternates the event that the course of the disease can run.Often this trigger is a conflict in the family or at work, partnership breakup or death.But without these stress triggers, one lives mostly without any problems.

And the last third? These are patients with chronic course of the disease.Often they are those suffering so -called simplex schizophrenia.In them, the disease develops creeping and very poorly respond to treatment.It takes a very long time for the disease to be detected and adequately treated.These people then cannot normally work.Schizophrenia, by the way, is one of the most common causes of disability pension in young people.

How is schizophrenia treated?And can be cured? Today we have effective medicines, modern pharmacotherapy is very important.But community care also plays a big role, where patients stay at home and professional workers are coming to them.Hallucinations and other problems after successful treatment leave.But in part of the patients often persist negative symptoms of the disease such as overall passivity, inability to come out normally on the street, loss of interest in things and the people around.Such patients do not care anything, often have mood disorders.They get into conflict with the surroundings trying to "move to activity".Are easily tired.These problems suffer from our unfortunate patients far more often than hallucinations and heresies.


He worked healthy, but he disappeared before the final test, pilots remember Babiš ml.

Which people are at risk of a higher risk that schizophrenia is ill?.When the mother has any disease in the first trimester of pregnancy, the child is higher in the risk of later schizophrenia.Social stress also plays a role, especially in larger cities.Fifty percent of marriage is divorced, and this also negatively affects the development of mental illnesses.Addictive substances also have a great influence.

Does this mean that there is a greater prerequisite for schizophrenia in people who take drugs? Yes, for example by using various new synthesized drugs.Many people after such experiments end up in our department.This also applies to marijuana, Czech children have a relatively easy access to marijuana.In addition, the risk increases in terms of marijuana that is grown in artificial light.This creates in plants of substances that can trigger this disease.

How do you recognize in a person that they suffer truly schizophrenia? This disease is not quite easy to determine correctly.It cannot be well known from magnetic resonance, in most cases you will not reliably determine it by monitoring the loss of brain cure.We cannot identify it from the results of blood.Usually the expert must very carefully compose the testimony of the family and the surroundings about how the person behaves, how his behavior changes in time and the like.Psychological examination is also necessary.