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Podcast: Women should look good in the morning for their husbands and children, says Lady Dermacol Knoblochová<

Author:jim - May 18, 2021 • 05:00 Share:

The elegant and charismatic lady Olga Knoblochová (88) has an impressive career in cosmetics. In 1958, she joined the newly established Institute of Medical Cosmetics, soon worked her way up to a leading position and from the mid-1960s promoted make-up under the Dermacol brand around the world. For that reason, she is nicknamed Lady Dermacol. For the Blesk Podcast, she said that women should take care of themselves from the morning, so that men do not stay at work late into the night with well-groomed assistants.

The almost ageless Olga Knoblochová is a living legend in her field. Already in the days of the previous regime, she was able to successfully promote and sell cosmetic products that were bought by filmmakers in Moscow, but also in Hollywood. The beginning of popular make-up dates back to 1966, when a mother came to the Institute of Medical Cosmetics with a five-year-old girl who had a so-called fire in part of her face, which is damage to blood vessels, a congenital developmental defect.

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“Not even doctors could do anything about it. There were no lasers then. So it had to be solved with something to cover it so that these people could live normally and not have problems. Because a lot of people just politely turn away when they see it, but a lot of them look. Especially children,” describes how diseases or skin defects were perceived. But their products did not only help women, but also men who had pigment or vitiligo in the beard area. They made makeup for these people. But their cosmetics were so good that the make-up was appropriated by filmmakers in Barrandova and all over the world. In Moscow, according to Lady Dermacol, they preferred it to luxury make-up from Dior.

An unkempt woman, a beautiful colleague and a suitor

According to the renowned beautician, taking care of your beauty and health is still important today, even if people forget it. In the evening, women should go to bed with clean skin and in the morning take a moment to groom themselves. "When we were little, my mother took us to school with our hair done, her lips done. In the morning, she found a moment to give it to her expression and for the children to see their mother well-groomed since the morning, and especially the husband," revealed Olga Knoblochová, and immediately explained why women should look good for men: "I always emphasize that, because the husband, when he sees the woman in the morning unkempt and still so sleepy, let the ladies not be surprised that he comes to work and there are beautifully groomed young girls and he then comes home quite late. I think that women should be aware of this, so that they should look good for the husband and the children already in the morning. And it's not like it bothers them in any way. And why not get up earlier so that the family can already see that mom is nice, pretty and always smiling and not get up angry, annoyed, I don't like that," said Lady Dermacol.

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How did she enjoy her first million?

Podcast: Women should from the morning to look good for husband and children, says Lady Dermacol Knoblochová

In an interview for the Blesk Podcast, Olga Knoblochová recalled how she recently gave an interview for television and the presenter asked her what she did with the first million she earned at the Institute of Medical Cosmetology. "I replied that it's a wonderful question, at least now I can tell everyone that I never got a million because we were always just employees. Whether it's the Institute of Cosmetics or Barrandova," a smiling Knobloch was heartily amused. She received recognition and financial reward only when Dermacol was bought by the Komárk couple 18 years ago, for whose resurrection of "her" brand Knoblochová was full of praise.

Why did laboratory workers test cosmetics on themselves and not on animals, if she was vaccinated against the coronavirus and what she thinks about the current situation, Olga Knoblochová revealed in Blesk Podcast:

Video Blesk Podcast: Women should look good for their husbands and children in the morning, says Lady Dermacol. - Jiří Marek Share:Topics:makeupinfidelityhusbandolga knoblochovinafidelity in marriagelady dermacolBlesk PodcastHollywoodMoscowBarrandovcosmeticsDermacol a.s.LordhusbandRelated
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