• 23/10/2022
  • By wizewebsite

How to survive the partner's middle -aged crisis - Novinky.cz<

Jak přežít partnerovu krizi středního věku

The middle -aged crisis is very erratic.Some partners will affect the fortieth year, others will come much later.At the same time there are men to whom the crisis avoids a large arc.

If you are not so lucky and you live alongside a partner who is recently moody, depressed, bored and impulsive, then it is important not to hold oil in the fire.Avoid remorse, unpleasant notes and smart advice.Much better strategy will be when you surround your partner with support and love that make the middle age crisis overwhelm.And what are the other weapons against crisis?

1.Be active

Nowhere is written how the middle age crisis will take place.Some men find a new hobby that makes them feel like youngsters, others look at the secretary or browse the online dating application.In any case, it pays off to keep your head in the sand in front of your partner's crisis.

"Don't wait for the worst to happen.The middle -aged crisis can meet your partner at the end of thirty, and often comes very slowly and unobtrusive.Be alert and pay attention to all indicators that indicate that something is wrong with your partner, ”says relationship expert Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart, adding that strong, understanding and confident wife is one of the best middle age crisis.

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2.Listen to his needs

According to a relationship expert, you should forget the sentences such as "Why do you behave like this?" Or "Do you have someone else?".

Jak přežít partnerovu krizi středního věku - Novinky.cz

“Carefully choose words because some sentences cannot be taken back.Show your partner that you are listening to him and ask him what he would like to change in your relationship or what he would like to change in his life, ”advises Mackintosh-Stewart for the Daily Mail.

You will see that this approach will refresh your relationship and can contribute to the rapid "cure" of the middle age crisis.

3.Set clear boundaries

The middle -aged crisis can also affect your life as well.This is especially true when you find that someone is third in a relationship.

“Adulteration is a common phenomenon that leads to huge ruptures or divorce.Although the middle -aged crisis is not an excuse for the partner's dishonest behavior, I recommend that you act rationally in this respect.Think about whether your marriage is not worth the rescue.

I know that many divorced people regret retroactively that they have not made more to save a relationship.At the same time I know many couples that have successfully overcome the crisis and today boasts a strong relationship, ”says Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart.

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4.Visit an expert

If you feel that the partner's partner does not manage to prevent him from suggesting a psychologist or therapist.It is only important that you do not force your partner and leave it solely to see if an expert visits.

You can also use the services of a psychologist.Together you will find a suitable strategy to handle the partner's crisis, and at the same time an expert will hear all your concerns and anxiety that you are currently experiencing in a relationship.

5.Give the crisis the time

It is necessary to realize that the middle age crisis has nothing to do with you.Nor is it a reflection of your relationship or marriage.Even if you may feel that the crisis will never resist, believe that the opposite is true.One day you realize that your partner is satisfied, balanced and completely reconciled to the fact that no one is going to.

Likewise, you will notice that your partnership has a stronger foundation that is a great springboard for the next years of life together.
