• 28/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

How to be the best lover or 7 things that men in bed love<


Sex is not just about techniques and learned positions.There is also a number of emotions, empathy and emotional states. Toužíte být tou nejlepší milenkou? Pak pro svého partnera připravte silně návykový erotický koktejl, bez kterého se žádný muž neobejde.The manual was compiled.Thanks to him, your counterpart will achieve satisfaction not only in physical terms!

Tajemství zvýšené sexuální spokojenosti podle terapeutky

Sexuální fetiše, pro které nenajdete pochopení

1.Let him know he's sexy

Imagine how great you feel when a man brows you admiringly and considers you the easiest person in the world.But men also need to feel demanded and attractive, they too suffer from doubts and need positive feedback!Pay your partner sensually on your butt, give him a long kiss, hug him and care that you can't tear off your hands.The feeling of attraction is an extremely strong factor in the partnership!

2.Change positions

Petr likes oral, Pavel again anal and these practices prefer to do anything else.But usually men like to enjoy several sexual techniques during one act.Your key is to know which they are and to which your lover reacts most.Just the gesture that you go to the penis and imagination is sensual.

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3.Connect sex with intimacy

Jak být nejlepší milenka aneb 7 věcí, které muži v posteli milují

Studies have confirmed that intimacy with another person is one of the main reasons why people have sex.And Sean Jameson says that even for men who are in relationships it is important to feel a romantic connection through making love.They desire in the eyes of their partners to see greed and love - if possible not pretended… helps when you often resemble those intoxicating feelings you had at the beginning of the relationship.

4.Take the initiative

He will start sex, give him a scenario, do most of the physical work, watch the erection and still try to meet your wishes or even criticisms. „Příliš mi tlačíš na břicho! A nemohl by sis tu ruku dát jinam?“ Na jednoho chlapa je toho až příliš! Aspoň někdy převezměte iniciativu, milence sveďte a uspokojte ho v jezdecké pozici, při které nemusí hnout ani prstem.And after all, you wouldn't have been too much if one of the 20 of your orgasms did not stand his skill, but yours. Vystupňujte jeho vzrušení tím, že se uspokojíte svépomocí!

5.Show enthusiasm of sex

Maut, smile, whistle him ... anything that expresses satisfaction and enthusiasm is calculated.Once a lover senses that you really have fun and you are fine with him, he will stand up with his confidence.Goodbye, uncertain!

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6.Explore his fantasy

In bed almost everyone dreams of something.According to a survey conducted by well -known social psychologist Justin Lehmiller, the seven fantasies are on the course.

Neobvyklé věci, které lidem zůstávají v klíně nebo konečníku

Neobvyklé sexuální představy a touhy. Jsou úplně běžné!

7.Let him know what you want

Partner is not omniscient and not read your thoughts.To satisfy you, he needs information - from you.Words may not be spoken, non -verbal communication is sufficient.But everything begins with your little thing.Be sure to let your man know what you like.It's sexy for him!

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8.Sex at least once a week

Sean Jameson points out that women more often want better sex while men suit higher frequency.Therefore sometimes there is mismatches of libido.In any case, various surveys prove that sex should occur at least once a week, otherwise the sperm (and frustration) are also clinging to ears.

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